Friday 23 September 2022

Reading an image - media codes

Media Codes

 1) Analyse this RBK 50 Cent advert using the media codes you learned in the lesson: Technical, Written or verbal, Symbolic or non-verbal, Narrative. Write a paragraph for each one exploring the way meanings are created using those media codes.

The o and O in the typographic lettering is blank which refers tot he message conveying that nothing is promised. The text as a whole is white where as the background is mainly monochrome, highlighting 50 cents face and posture. The lighting on his face depicts the sense of hope and resilience linking back to his message on how 'tomorrow is not promised'. The angle of the camera is positioned to level up to 50 cents eye contact ( aka the close up shot) , also the composure of 50 cents himself is turned towards the camera inferring to the title which says ' I am what I am', meaning his intimidating posture suggests that he can't change who he is, and that you should accept him the way he is. The enigma is why the quote is used - identification and how it causes some form of speculation to what they would suggest. The use of the serif font for the title may come across as him claiming his identity by foreshadowing his authority.The scar depicts his fierceness and his willingness into overcoming any obstacle hurdling his way. The low key lighting is a huge power move since it gives the whole advert a great outlook on the message as a whole.The target audience for this advert would particularly be for young adults.

2) Next, analyse a print advert of your choice using the same media codes: Technical, Written or verbal, Symbolic or non-verbal, Narrative.

The meanings created for the audience is that in order for a good night sleep, IKEA has the best type of 'pill' aka pillows to ensure that you have a great night sleep just like the effectiveness of sleeping pills.I presume the target audience for this product will mainly be for adults since adults need a well rested sleep in order to go about their day. The lighting is specifically directed towards the pillows since that's their selling point.Since their main target is to sell the product any sort of dialogue shown is minimised except for the prize which you can see clearly in the advert. The only use of language used is the word 'sleep' which is highlighted in bold conveying what their main product concept is.The font used for the word is a simple georgia font which gives it a simple polished look by also being alert at the same time.The enigma code may classify to be a little bit more information about the product itself such as its comfort-ability.

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